CPSA Logo transparent v2.jpg   California Peer Support Association

North Bay Guns and Hoses

  • Sunday, March 25, 2018

The NorthBay Guns-N-Hoses Hockey Club will be playing the South Bay Packin’ HEAT regional public safety team in a charity hockey game next month. Both teams are comprised of firefighters, law enforcement, and EMS professionals from their respective ends of the Bay Area.

A portion of tickets sales will be donated to our friends at the West Coast Post-Trauma Retreat which is a part of the First Responders Support Network.

For more information, click HERE.

California Peer Support Association, 1559B Sloat Blvd. #465, San Francisco, CA  94132

The California Peer Support Association is a registered non-profit with the California Franchise Tax Board and the Federal Internal Revenue Service (Tax ID 33-0952454).

The California Peer Support Association operates www.CaliforniaPeerSupport.org as a service to all Fire, Law Enforcement and other Emergency Personnel.

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